Where do I begin? It's the most wonderfully glorious and joyful feeling to watch her, to hold her, to smooch her tiny muzzle. And ahhhh, the puppy breath..... Everything she does is outrageously cute and adorable. I can sit and watch her for hours on end and never get bored.
Kaylee has captivated my heart and soul. I find myself always smiling and laughing because of her. Kaylee is so cute she should be illegal! Now that I've gotten the mushy stuff over with, it's still the same question: where do I begin?
When you read about my first week with Kaylee, some of you will have every right to gloat and feel good about yourself and your puppy. Others of you will be happy to know that I'm having all the same frustrations and problems that you are having and possibly more. Never mind that I'm supposedly considered the "expert" trainer and behaviorist. Never mind that I have decades of experience and have authored 3 books on behavior training. Never mind that I had pick of the litter (of 13 pups) from one of the most prestigious and elite golden retriever breeders/kennels in the country.
Despite everything, Kaylee is still an 8 week old puppy and does the same things most puppies do at this age. Kaylee however, has been more of a challenge than all my prior puppies combined. Or at least it feels that way, possibly from lack of sleep and also the fact that I most likely have selective memory about all the other pups I have raised.
Of course, conditions are very different as she is the only dog in the house so I don't have the assistance of other dogs in the pack to help with the training. I knew they contributed enormously, but I had no idea of how much the resident pack taught each new puppy added to the household.
So Kaylee is a challenge, but a pleasure. And it's rewarding to re-discover the process of training and having to adapt new methods and come up with alternative ways to outsmart this incredibly intelligent and sweet little beast.